annina was born in london and moved to san francisco as a baby. her mother dealt in bakelite and costume antique jewellery and took annina with her on buying trips. that's when her obsession with vintage jewellery began, but she was far more interested in the real stuff... diamonds and gold!! she started collecting gold charms at the age of 8 and by the time she was 11 she had already bought and sold her first diamond ring. she returned to the uk age 12 and has lived in north west london ever since. annina loves to trawl antique markets and fairs for jewellery; you'll often find her in portobello market on a saturday morning with eyes peeled for that holy grail of all charms and any victorian treasure she can get her hands on!!
annina vogel makes each item of jewellery completely unique and never to be repeated. an impressive collection of rare antique british gold charms and chains are available to chose from to create your own bespoke piece. annina sources her materials from a wide range of antique markets and vintage jewellery fairs all over the country. gold is a very good investment at the moment, the cost of it just keeps on rising. this means that a lot of unworn antique and victorian jewellery is being scrapped and melted, our history and heritage is being lost with it. annina is making it her mission to save as much antique gold as possible in its original form such brooches, studs, and charms. she then transforms and revives it into something contemporary and fashionable, presenting it in a different way whilst maintaining the integrity of its original character.

* images and text courtesy of http://www.anninavogel.co.uk/epages/es117851.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es117851_es123429298625/Categories.
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